Silenced for My Privilege, Attitude, and Lack of Christian Love…

Recently I posted this comment….During the days of Paul, the NT writers spoke in defense of the gospel against such heresies as proclaimed by the Gnostics and the Judaizers. Like them, we need to be acutely aware of any prevailing worldly philosophy that undermines the gospel. Black Lives Matter is little more than a clever attempt to push identity politics, critical race theory, intersectionality, and social justice theory, all of which are rooted in the atheistic philosophy of cultural Marxism. This attempt is clever because it shields these underlying factors with a call to stand against racism. It pushes the idea of racism to the extent that it charges the entire system that undergirds our nation with the charge of institutional/systematic racism. Do black live matter? Of course, they do. Who is saying they don’t? Does any politician seek out the KKK or Nazi vote? No, they do not. Instead, many politicians prefer to charge their opponent with racism.

Here was one response…..Mark given the attitude displayed in your comments I sincerely believe it WOULD be best if you ceased speaking and listened to others for a while. Yes, our nation absolutely suffers from the plague of systemic racism because we built our nation on slavery and that sin has long lasting impacts that we must continue to grapple with. Who is saying black lives don’t matter? All of us, unfortunately. We do so by allowing police (and others) to kill unarmed black men without repercussions. We do so by allowing schools to become more and more segregated and minority schools to be lower quality and under funded.

If you don’t think any politicians seek out racist votes I would point you to David Duke and the president claiming there were good people on both sides of a protest where one side was white supremacists and neo nazis. Read up on the southern strategy and realize how it still impacts our politics. It makes me sad when people loudly proclaim their Christianity and then offer such a poor public example of Christ’s love. You brought up the days of Paul and the NT writers. What did they have to say about excluding Gentiles and ignoring widows?

And here is my response…….I will not be silent neither will I encourage you to be so. Thanks for exploring my thinking, and likewise I am all to glad to explore yours. Just as you responded to me, I will offer you the same courtesy. I am most certainly not saying that black lives don’t matter. That being said I proudly agree with Christ himself that ALL lives matter. That being said, I understand that your issue is with what you see as institutional racism. I certainly want all Americans to be given equal opportunities and I support the idea that this effort is still ongoing. I also support appropriate attempts to advocate for this. I am individual and not a institution though, and I will stand before God as an individual and not as institution. I will seek His grace to guard my heart against racism and check my actions to make sure that I stay true to the example of Christ. Concerning David Duke, as a Louisiana native I must say that this person is all but a nobody politician that is hardly worth using as an example to demonstrate this supposed reality of systemic racism. As far as our country being built on slavery, that is totally absurd. Did slavery exist? yes. Was is a part of the system? Yes. How do you fix it? You address that part of the system. Instead, broadly crying systemic racism could easily lead to tearing down the very foundations of our country (e.g. Constitution and Bill of Rights). Also, please consider how these thoughts would play out in the times of Christ. Surely, the females, the Samaritans, and some Gentiles may have had cause to claim systemic racism. Perhaps Christ should have advocated for them and told me to shut up.

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